Conference talks, workshops, etc.
DjangoCon US, Durham NC, October; workshop: Getting documentation done
DjangoCon Europe, Vigo, June; talk: The attentive programmer; workshop: Getting documentation done
PyCon Italia, Florence, May; keynote: The attentive programmer
PyCon Namibia, Windhoek, March; workshop: Python with BBC micro:bit
DjangoCon Africa, Zanzibar, November; talk: All that jazz
DjangoCon US, Durham NC, October; talk: The programmer’s imagination
PyCon UK, Cardiff, September; talk: The programmer’s imagination; workshop: Practical tools for documentation at scale
EuroPython, Prague, July; talk: Messages from Prague, workshop: Practical tools for documentation at scale
DjangoCon Europe, Edinburgh, May; talk: The programmer’s imagination; workshop: Practical tools for documentation at scale
A two-day workshop for FAIRmat on Documentation theory and practices, hosted at Humboldt University, Berlin, May
PyCon Namibia, Windhoek, February; workshop: Introduction to Diátaxis, talk: Your future in software
Ubuntu Summit, Prague, November; workshop: Introduction to Diátaxis, workshop: Build a BrachioGraph
PyCon Portugal, Porto, October; keynote address
DjangoCon Europe, Porto, October; workshop: Introduction to Diátaxis, talk: The programmer’s imagination
PyCon UK, Cardiff, September; workshop: Introduction to Diátaxis, talk: How to wag a dog
a series of workshops for the Python Software Foundation, August
training workshops for contributors to OSM, an open-source project hosted by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, June
training workshops for contributors to the Django project, June
a series of sessions for research software engineers, held as part of fellowship of the Software Sustainability Institute, March